Premium Pro

  1. Diets customized for the one’s looking to lose weight and improve health.
  2. This program is curated to help you lose weight, drop body fat and improve lifestyle.
  3. Ideal program for beginners to start their weight-loss journey.
  4. Easy, healthy & sustainable diet plans, designed as per your preferences & goals.
Features of the Program  –

Health - Kit


Diet Plans


Happy Clients




Years of experience

  1. A Clinical Nutritionist or a Sports Nutritionist is assigned to you based on your goals.
  2. We form a WhatsApp group with the Senior Nutritionist and Dedicated Nutritionist.
  3. A welcome email is sent, which contains a lifestyle assessment sheet, a progress tracker, a photo tracker, and a list of blood tests that needs to be done.
  4. Once we receive the documents, we schedule the first round of in-depth consultation.
  5. Diet is planned post the consultation, non-app generated diet plans, tailored to match your nutritional needs.
  6. Weekly check-ins and every 15 days – call/ one- on-one consultation with Nutritionist (Session update)

Diets features

  • Replica of your current eating patterns – just modified into a healthier version
  • Customized diet plans as per your blood test, food preference, timings, lifestyle and behavioral eating patterns and workout intensity.
  • Active WhatsApp group with Daily diet journal tracking, Monday motivation message, Weekend guides, etc.
  • Diet update every 15 days based on the progress (progress tracker) and after consultation
  • Daily clarifications to doubts & queries and active follow- up
  • Natasha & Team will ensure you have constant support & Motivation and your goal is our goals
— If they can do it, you can do it too! —

Our Transformations

Select Your Plan

3 Months

Premium Program
  • 1 Welcome call with Natasha
  • 6 Consultation calls with Natasha
  • 6 Customized diet plans
  • 6 Follow ups & Reminders in a week
  • 1 Multi-cuisine Restaurant Guide
  • 1 Progress tracker
  • 2 Travel Guide & Diet
  • 1 Maintenance Kit

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