Refund Policy

If for any reason a client is not completely satisfied with any of our Programs, they can put an end to their subscription/ program.

However, we do not provide ANY kind of refund/ freezing/ transferring of fees / services for any of our programs. With, this user agreement you agree to the fact that the fee / any other amount paid to us is non- refundable.

However in case of Serious Medical conditions, we at our option provide a refund on you

Your application for refund should be accompanied with a doctor’s prescription

-The refund will be processed 30 working days

-The program refund will be made after deducting the days/months services & plans shared with you by transform with Natasha

-The refund amount will be at 10% processing charge

*Pregnancy is not considered as a serious medical condition*

With this user agreement you have agreed with the Refund policy.

The payments shall be made by the client as per the mutually agreed schedule and shall be non-refundable.

All the payments will be made to and from designated accounts of Transform with Natasha.

In case of any delayed payments, one shall inform TWN in advance or interest of 18% P.A. shall be charged.

Our mobile application is a third-party application

The Site may also include content/materials owned by third parties and posted on the Site by virtue of a license, grant or some other form of agreement between the third party and Transform with Natasha.